19. Punta Prima – Cala Sant Esteve

The first half of this section runs across some of the flattest land on the island. The second half of the path at the island’s most easterly point diverts inland. Only the occasional small gorge interrupts the flat relief. Patches of wild olive trees and bushes alternate with farmland and fields where livestock graze to create a mosaic scenary, although this landscape changes dramatically at the gorges at Cala de Sant Esteve where the shelter provided from the wind means that the wild olives trees have grown to a considerable height. In some coves, such as Alcalfar, it is possible to see dune vegetation, which it is also present in the lower parts of the coast where the front line vegetation can best be observed.

Distance: 7.3 km

Level: easy

Tourist services:

Hotels: Punta Prima, Alcalfar, S’Algar

Bars, restaurants and supermarkets: Punta Prima, Alcalfar, S’Algar.