5. Ses Salines – Cala Tirant – Binimel•là

This route runs along one the best preserved sections of the island’s coast. The entire area has been declared a SCI (Site of Community Importance) by the EC, as well as being awarded an Spa (Special Protection Area) distinction for birds. This section is of great geological value, as there are many different natural environments where biodiversity is concentrated. Socarrells are one type of vegetation present on this section that is worth a special mention. One key characteristic of these endemic bushes is their ability to adapt to extreme weather conditions, provoked by the strong north wind.

There are dune systems at the beaches of Tirant, Cavalleria and Binimel•là, which include important vegetation communities. This section is also very popular with bird watchers, as it is an important zone for breeding birds, such as the fisher eagle.

A short diversion from this section, it is possible to visit the interesting archaeological remains of the Roman city of Sanicera, at the tiny fishermen’s port of Sanitja. Another attraction close by that shouldn’t be missed is the lighthouse, Far de Cavalleria (lighthouse). From the breathtaking 80 meter high cliffs, there are spectacular views of the Mediterranean Sea.

Distance: 9.6 km

Level: medium

Tourist services:

Hotels: Cala Tirant

Bars, restaurants and supermarkets: Cala Tirant. Bar: Cavalleria lighthouse museum; Restaurant: Binimel•là beach.